Thursday, January 27, 2011

I can't really boycott

my own blog, now can I? 
January has been a long month and I am
not really jazzed about blogging. 
I should be, right? 
I want to be rich and famous with my blog. 
(don't laugh too hard) 
I did have a quilt finish. 
Finally finished my Christmas table runner.....
in January. Bwhaaaa 
No photos yet, I will work on that. 

All the sunshine we have had should make me get up
and blog.
It hasn't yet. 
I promise to work on that. lol 

Missy... in a funk in January


  1. I want my blog to make me rich and famous too. How does that happen?

  2. If I every figure that out I will make sure to call you. lol
