Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I have a new toy

I think she may need a name. 
I actually got her for Mothers Day but have been holding off the unveiling.
I would tell you that I did that because I wanted to make sure that I kept her.
Actually it was because I forgot to take the pictures off the camera.
I have been so busy sewing and driving to town that I have been doing poorly
with the whole blog thing.
So, anyway..... Here she is.
This is my new worker bee.
 All 50 wonderful stitches of her. 
I can drop the feed dogs and do free motion quilting,
and it also has a walking foot to do straight line quilting.
I love the little storage compartment.
I have been using her extensively in the last several weeks.
I have made a table runner, completely quilted my second quilt and
pieced two Christmas presents.
I like her.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like....

Maybe Christmas gifts..... 
I cannot show you the finished product right now
I don't want to spoil the surprise
Not that I think this person reads my blog
But I don't want to risk it. :-)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I love these things

I don't know if they have a name or not. 
I do not know why I like them. 
Especially since I do not really like squaring my blocks. 
But I love these little things.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Ironing board

It is the little things.... 
I truly believe that. 
It is not the huge major things that bother you.
It is just the little things. 
6 years I have hated the various ironing boards that I have had. 
I missed my big honking ironing board from the house.
There was no way that it would fit in the rig so we compromised. 
It has been bad the entire time.

So with all this quilting I have started, I really needed a good ironing board. 
When we took the class in Williams I finally found my first love. 
The queen of ironing boards.... I could wax eloquent for hours but I won't. 

What I will do is show you what I did. 
My first thought was... "Hmmm, we could make these for ourselves."
Are you surprised? Now one else was either. :-) 
I took some measurements, talked to the ladies and we agreed to make 6 boards. 

We bought the supplies on a trip to Prescott. 
Home Depot and Joann's. Two of my favorite stores. 
I had the Orange man cut my MDF to size so all we had to do was assemble.
We used the air compressor (my friend)
to staple the stuffing and cover 
to the board and we were done.
It was an easy and fun project. 
The best part??? 
Ironing is a breeze and it has a home next to my dryer. 
It does not get any better than that.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Being Thankful

We are heading to town for the 6th time in 4 weeks. 
I know that does not sound too bad for the most part,
but for us it means a 250 mile round trip. 
The worst part is you do not actually get anywhere at the end of the day. 
You just get to town and back. 
At least this time we are spending the night. 
It makes it a little easier. 
I may even go back on Sunday for our daughter to do 
an over night camping trip with the youth group. Ugh. 

I need to be thankful that God has provided the money we 
need for both the truck
and car repair. 

I need to be thankful that the vehicles, both of them, got us to town and back safely. 

I need to be thankful that God has provided my husband with a job and enough money
to be able to make these trips to town. 

I need to be thankful that there are quilt shops in town and that my quilt is ready at the long-arm
lady's house so I don't have to make another trip to town. 

I am thankful for this and so much more. 


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Second Quilt

I think Hubs wants me to slow down on my quilting. 
Fabric is expensive. 
Oh well. 

I went to Odegaard's in Flagstaff to pick up more fabric for my next quilt. 
I chose a beautiful Moda fabric set to do this one. 
I really need to practice cutting and putting my corners together. 
Though this one is better than the first quilt, I still have a way to go. 
I really like the way that this one turned out.
I even like the back of the quilt. 
I will post more photos when it is quilted.
I am going to quilt this one myself.
What do you think? 
