I love to scrapbook.
Sort of.
I have been doing this crazy stuff for about 15 years or so.
Can it be that long already?
Yes, it really can. :-)
I have run the gamut from 8.5x11 to 12x12 to 8x8 sized pages.
I have gone from paper scrapping to all digital.
I have tried (and failed) to use Photoshop Elements.
I love Stampinup' content, hate their scrap program.
For the last several years I have used Creative Memories Storybook Plus
to do all my digital work.
CM's business practices make me crazy though and I hate to give them my money.
Sometimes I feel like those Angry Birds.... Just launch me at them and let me recover my eggs...
Several months ago I found my new program that I am using.
It is called Artisan 4.0 by a company named
They are the actual developers of the Creative Memories program.
The 4.0 version is the upgraded version that I used from CM.
I was so excited to see this come on the market that I immediately bought it.
Over the last week or so I have been making templates.
Those are basically fill in the blank scrap pages.
There are many available online, free and for sale, for Photoshop.
Not so many for SBC or my Artisan.
I have been working with 2 other ladies to update some
that are on a
board that I am part of.
Amy made sketches
before she passed away that were turned into templates.
We have tweaked them and updated them a bit.
It has been a wonderful time and a great learning experience.
I will be making more of my own and will, most likely, post some of them here...
You will be hooked.
I promise.
Don't worry. I am still quilting, and building and renovating and whatnot.
I am just adding this also. lol