Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Christmas decorating

Tonight we finished decorating the house for Christmas
We had the tree up but no ornaments on it. 
It was fun to see all the stuff we have made for the tree. 
The first year we decided to stay here for Christmas 
it dawned on us that all the decorations were still in Texas. 

We had purchased a scroll saw that fall and set to making
a bunch of ornaments out of wood. 
That, along with some that I painted

and we had a full tree. 

We have since brought our "RV" decorations out here.
Those are just some of our "most special" things. 
We still have boxes and boxes of decorations just waiting...... 
Someday we will have a house again. 
I hope. 

Until then, we celebrate our Saviors birth in small quarters.
Thankful that we are all together, healthy and safe. 
May God bless you throughout this holiday season.
No matter your circumstances. 


Sunday, November 21, 2010

I am failing miserably

on the blog front. Somehow I have not posted since Oct 27th. 
 Gracious. That is too long. 

I have lots of excuses.
And several weekends in the Valley to show for it. 
I also have this. 

I have learned to paper piece. 

I think I like it. 